Iteneraries and Expenses Manoag to Baguio Trip
Place Time Expenses
Cubao to Manaog ETD 11:30PM (dagupan transit) P 230.00
Arrival at Manaog 3:30 am
Breakfast at 7-11 3:30-3:45 P 76.00
Candles (2) P 20.00
Mass 4:00 am - 5:00 am
oil, rosary (3) P 50.00
Puto Calasioa P20.00
Van to Baguio 7:00 am P 70.00
Arrival at Baguio 8:30 am
Baguio Pines terminal to SM 8:45 (taxi) P 35.00
Rental house 9:00 am P 500.00
Church 10:00 am- 10:30
walked to central mall
for Good Taste (lunch) 11:00-11:45 P136.00
Jeep terminal to mines view 12:15-12 :25 P8.00
Photo shoot St. Bernard P50.00
Pink Horse P10.00
Igorot costume P10.00
Good Shepherd ube jam, snow ball P250.00
strawberry lemon juice P20.00
Taxi 3:00 P75.00
sleeping time 3:30- 7:00
Dinner 7:30 pm P99.00
Day 2
Breakfast 6:00 am- 6:30 P 35.00
Tour 6:45
entrance white house 7:00- 7:30 P50.00
turon P10.00
Botanical Garden 8:00- 9;00
longanisa meal P65.00
ref magnet P50.00
Wright Park 9:30- 10:30
Bonsai P50.00
The Mansion 11:00-11:45
50's Diner 11:50 P99.00
Jeep park to 50's diner 11:45 P8.00
Jeep to house 12:30 P8.00
Fare Dagupan Bus to Cubao 1:15 pm P315.00
Total: P2,349.00
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